Kevin Fasusi

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AWS Lambda and Supplychainpy (there was an attempt)

I recently attempted to use supplychainpy from an AWS lambda function, and it did not go well. The problem was not the library itself or the process required to create a python deployment package, with all the environment dependencies, and uploading to AWS.

Building a Pi Zero Cluster using a ClusterHat

I wanted to explore distributed computing and also experiment with Docker swarm. After looking into building a raspberry pi cluster, I found something called a ClusterHat sold by Pimoroni.

Supply Chain Risk and Technologies

Managing a supply chain invariably means managing various processes, operations and systems, all of which have associated financial risks.


I have realised that fear has stopped me blogging. I am always waiting for enough time to write something worthwhile.

Monte Carlo Simulation Process

Building a simulation requires an abstraction of the processes involved, for the construction of an appropriate model. A description of the process is a useful starting point.

Thoughts on Supplychainpy Release 0.0.4

For a few months now I have been working on a project for Supply Chain reporting and analysis. It has come a little way but is far from feature complete. Currently, the project is on planning release 0.0.3 and 0.0.4 is just around the corner.