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I have realised that fear has stopped me blogging. I am always waiting for enough time to write something worthwhile. I think this is partly to do with imposter syndrome and partly to do with competing commitments. The result is frustration because I am doing several things that I would like to blog.

Regarding my fear holding me back, I have decided to get over myself because:

  1. I am pretty sure no one cares.
  2. see above.

I have temporarily satiated my impostor syndrome by applying for and receiving a place on an MSc in Computer Science at Birkbeck University of London. So just when I thought I was out, I deal myself back in the game. Not too long ago I had my Viva Voce and received a pass with minor corrections. Currently, I am finishing the corrections to my PhD thesis (operations and supply chain management) and also trying to piece together a few papers. I am really looking forward to the MSc course. I am already thinking about which electives to take and what to focus on for the final project.

I plan to continue blogging about operations and supply chain management stuff as well as computer science stuff and everything at the intersection of said stuff.